5 Products to Ease Your Back Pain

5 Products to Ease Your Back Pain

Constantly feeling pain on your back can have a big impact on your way of life. Imagine waking up everyday and feeling a discomfort on your back. It will affect how to start and end your day and every aspect of your life – from doing your chores to the quality of your sleep. You don’t have to wait for your back pains to miraculously go away without changes in your lifestyle, taking medication or physical therapy. We’ve put this list together to help you find a solution to your back pain!

Finding The Right Products For your Back Pain 

There are some of the products that can help alleviate the pain without the need of prescriptions. These products can also ease discomfort on your back, support your spine and prevent future injuries to your back muscles and bones. 

1) Back Brace

Back braces are perfect for people who are experiencing lower back pains. Most back braces are designed like a corset that wraps around your back and stomach. People, mostly teens, with scoliosis [1] may also benefit from wearing it to help straighten their backs. There are also modern back braces designs that are less bulky and more comfortable to use.

2) Electric Heating Pad

Using heat to any kind of pain can be effective because it helps increase the proper flow of blood, which relieves inflammation and soreness [2]. Any type of heat therapy can be helpful but electrical heating pads are the most ideal because it is easy to carry around and you can use it while sitting down or laying on your bed. You can adjust the setting for the temperature and set a timer on how long you want to use it. 

3) Massagers

Massage Therapy is a common and effective way of treating different kinds of pain. Most people who are experiencing back pains opt in to massagers instead of going to expensive physical therapy. Different types of massagers are available in the market. There are handheld massagers and some that you can lay on or attach to your chair. There are cordless hand-held massagers [3] that are available now. They have different modes and speeds that you can choose from and customize it to your preference.

4) Lumbar Support System

Sitting too long, without back support, is one of the reasons for having back pain. If you are spending too much time on our office chair or driving for hours everyday, then a lumbar support system can help avoid the pain. By reducing the pressure on your spine, sitting for too long could be a lot more comfortable. A rolled up towel or a pillow placed between your chair and lower back to support your spine can be a good alternative.

5) Pillows and Mattresses

Choosing the right pillow to support your head when you sleep can help avoid neck and back pain. Being able to wake up in the morning pain-free can set your mood for the entire day. When it comes to mattresses, look for a medium-firm foam to help reduce soreness and stiffness on your back. Memory foam is also becoming popular because it offers both comfort and the right firmness to keep your spine supported all night.

Finalizing The Best Solutions

These products are all great options in reducing or avoiding your back pain. Just remember that some products may be effective on others but would not have a positive effect on you. Try different options and stick to the one that makes you feel relieved. The goal is for you to have a comfortable life to be able to do your everyday activities without having to feel any unpleasantness. 


Getting a hold of these products can only reduce your back pain so much. Prevention, as they say, is often better than a cure. Avoid doing certain activities that are adding to the discomfort of your back or to any part of your body. Proper posture can also help you avoid experiencing back pains. Stretching at least 5 minutes per day can go a long way. 

Back pain may also come with age. You may also need to check on your lifestyle and health. Regular exercise and a balanced diet are as impacting to your quality of life and overall well-being. If your back pain seems like it’s not going away, you may seek medical advice from a health professional.


  1. “Scoliosis” Retrieved August 11,2021 from https://www.healthgrades.com/right-care/spine-conditions/scoliosis
  2. “Benefits of heat therapy for back pain” Retrieved August 11,2021 from: https://www.healthline.com/health/heating-pad-for-back-pain#benefits 

3. “The best products for lower back pain relief” Retrieved August 11,2021 from: https://www.businessinsider.com/best-back-pain-relief-products#the-best-acupressure-mat-for-lower-back-pain-5